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410. Split Array Largest Sum

This page provides solutions for the leetcode problem 410. Split Array Largest Sum.

Problem Explanation

The problem is asking us to split an array into K\text{K} subarrays in such a way that the largest sum of any subarray is minimized.


This problem can be solved using the Binary Search technique. More such questions can be found here.

class Solution {
public int splitArray(int[] nums, int k) {
int lo = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
int hi = 0;

for (int num : nums) {
lo = Math.max(lo, num);
hi += num;

while (lo < hi) {
int mid = lo + (hi - lo) / 2;

int partitions = getPartitions(nums, mid);

if (partitions > k) lo = mid + 1;
else hi = mid;
return lo;

private int getPartitions(int[] nums, int required) {
int index = 0, sum = 0, partition = 1;

while (index < nums.length) {
sum += nums[index];
if (sum > required) {
sum = nums[index];
return partition;


Let's say there are N\text{N} elements in an array, and total sum of all elements in an array is S\text{S}.

Time Complexity

The time complexity is O(logS)\text{O}(\log \text{S}) for searching the optimal solution using binary search, and O(N)\text{O}(\text{N}) for checking if the array can be split into K\text{K} subarrays., so total time complexity will be:

O(NlogS)\text{O}(\text{N} \log \text{S})

Space Complexity

The solution uses constant space for storing binary search variables, so space complexity will be:
