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Segment Tree

This page provides links to solutions for problems that use the Fenwick Tree data structure.


A Segment tree is a type of data structure that allows range operations, such as finding total, minimum, maximum, distinct value within a range, in O(log N)\text{O(log N)} time complexity.

Additionally, it can perform point and range updates in O(log N)\text{O(log N)} time as well. Despite its name, a segment tree is actually stored as an array of elements.

Build Segment Tree

Let's build a range sum segment tree for following array.

arr=[14,71,37,93,1]\text{arr} = [14, 71, 37, 93, -1]

Even thought it is called a segment tree, it is stored as an array. To build a segment tree for an input array with 55 elements, we start by creating an array of size 44 times the size of an input array.

Since there are 55 elements in an input array, build function will start with range 040-4. Segment tree array index will be at 00.


Build function splits the range in half, the left segment range becomes 020-2. Segment tree array index when it goes to left subtree becomes 2parentIndex+1=20+1=12 * \text{parentIndex} + 1 = 2 * 0 + 1 = 1.


Recursively splitting the left subtree further, we get the left segment range as 010-1. Segment tree array index becomes 33.


Further splitting the left subtree, the segment reduces to a single point 000-0. At this point, we assign the element from the input array at 0th0^{\text{th}} index to current segment tree array index, so we assign tree[77] = arr[00].


After reaching the 000-0 segment, we cannot split the left subtree further. The build function backtracks and splits the right subtree of the parent into two halves, resulting in a single point segment 111-1.

Since this is a single point, we assign the value from the input array at 1st1^{\text{st}} index to the current segment tree array index. Therefore, we assign tree[88] = arr[11].


At this point, we have completed splitting both the left and right subtree of the segment range 010-1. We then apply the sum function to combine the values from both child indexes and assign the result to the current segment tree array index. Thus we assign tree[33] = tree[77] + tree[88] = 8585.


After completing the recursive process described above, the segment tree will be fully built. Below are snapshots of each step.

long[] arr;
long[] tree;

public SegmentTreeSum(long[] arr) {
this.arr = arr;
this.tree = new long[4 * arr.length];
build(0, 0, arr.length - 1);

public void build(int treeIndex, int fromArrIndex, int toArrIndex) {
if (fromArrIndex == toArrIndex) {
tree[treeIndex] = arr[fromArrIndex];
else {
int mid = fromArrIndex + (toArrIndex - fromArrIndex) / 2;
build(2 * treeIndex + 1, fromArrIndex, mid);
build(2 * treeIndex + 2, mid + 1, toArrIndex);
tree[treeIndex] = tree[2 * treeIndex + 1] + tree[2 * treeIndex + 2];

Use Segment Tree

Let's use the segment tree to find the range sum of indexes 232-3 in an input array.

We begin calculation of the range sum from the root node, which represent 0th0^{\text{th}} index of a segment tree array and range 040-4 of an input array.

There are 33 main conditions to consider at any given node:

  • Outside of Input Range: Return 00 if the range at the current node falls entirely outside the input range.

  • Subset of Input Range: Return the precomputed sum from the segment tree if the range at the current node is part of input range.

  • Partially Overlaps Input Range: If range at current node partially overlaps with input range recursively calculate values from left and right subtree and return the result.

The range at current node, 040-4, partially overlaps input range 232-3, therefore we recursively calculate value from left and right subtree.


Let's recursively calculate the value from the left subtree. The range at the current node, 020-2, partially overlaps with the input range 232-3, therefore we recursively calculate the values from its left and right subtrees.


The next node in the path has a range of 010-1, which lies entirely outside the input range 232-3, therefore we return 00 from the left subtree and stop the recursion for the left subtree.


Let's continue the recursive process on the right subtree.

The next node in the right subtree has a range of 222-2, which is part of input range 232-3. As a result, we return the precomputed value 3737 from the right subtree and stop the recursion for the right subtree.


At this stage, the values from both subtrees at the node with the range 020-2 are ready. We add these values together and backtrack to the parent node.


Let's continue the above process, until we calculate the sum for the range 232-3.

The node's range partially overlaps the input range.


The node's range is subset of the input range.


The node's range is outside the input range.


Backtracking to get sum for input range.


Therefore, the range sum from index 232-3 is 37+93=13037 + 93 = 130.

public int rangeSum(int treeIndex, int from, int to) {
return rangeSumInternal(treeIndex, from, to, 0, arr.length - 1);

public int rangeSumInternal(int treeIndex, int fromArrIndexInput, int toArrIndexInput,
int fromArrIndex, int toArrIndex) {
// range at current node is part of input range.
// fromArrIndexInput <= fromArrIndex <= toArrIndex <= toArrIndexInput
if (fromArrIndexInput <= fromArrIndex && toArrIndex <= toArrIndexInput) {
return tree[treeIndex];
// range at current node is out side the input range.
// case 1: fromArrIndex < toArrIndex < fromArrIndexInput < toArrIndexInput
// case 2: fromArrIndexInput < toArrIndexInput < fromArrIndex < toArrIndex
else if (toArrIndex < fromArrIndexInput || toArrIndexInput < fromArrIndex) {
return 0;
// partial overlap
else {
int mid = fromArrIndex + (toArrayIndex - fromArrIndex) / 2;
// calculate sum from left subtree.
int left = rangeSumInternal(
2 * treeIndex + 1,
fromArrIndexInput, toArrIndexInput,
fromArrIndex, mid
// calculate sum from right subtree.
int right = rangeSumInternal(
2 * treeIndex + 2,
fromArrIndexInput, toArrIndexInput,
mid + 1, toArrIndex
// sum left and right subtree values together and return.
return left + right;

Update Segment Tree

There are two ways to update segment tree as below:

Point Update

Let's update the element at 4th4^{\text{th}} index of an input array from 1-1 to 11.

old_arr=[14,71,37,93,1]\text{old\_arr} = [14, 71, 37, 93, -1] new_arr=[14,71,37,93,1]\text{new\_arr} = [14, 71, 37, 93, 1]

Note that the update here replaces the old value with the new value, rather than adding the new value to the existing one.

We begin the segment tree update from the root node, which represents the 0th0^{\text{th}} index of the segment tree array and the range 040-4 of the input array.

There are 33 main conditions to consider at any given node:

  • Outside of Update Point: No updates are required if the range at the current node falls entirely outside the update point.

  • Equals the Update Point: If range at current node range equals the update point, update the value at the current node.

  • Partially Overlaps Update Point: If the range at the current node partially overlaps with the update point, recursively update the subtree in which the point is present.

The range at the current node, 040-4, partially overlaps with the update point 44. During the segment tree construction, ranges are split into halves. The left subtree covers the range 020-2, and the right subtree covers the range 343-4. Since the update point 44 falls within the range of the right subtree, we proceed to recursively update the right subtree.


The range of the current node is 343-4, and the update point still lies within the right subtree.


The range at the current node is 444-4, which matches the update point. We update the value at this node to 11 and then backtrack to update the parent nodes until we return to the root.


While backtracking, we retrieve the old value of 9393 from the left subtree and the newly assigned value of 11 from the right subtree. We then update the node with the range 343-4 to the new value of 93+1=9493 + 1 = 94.


Upon further backtracking, we reach the root node, where we retrieve the old value of 122122 from the left subtree and the new value of 9494 from the right subtree. We then update the root node to the new value of 122+94=216122 + 94 = 216.


Once the root node update process is complete, we obtain the new segment tree as shown below.

public void pointUpdate(int arrIndex, int value) {
return pointUpdateInternal(0, arrIndex, value, 0, arr.length - 1);

public void pointUpdateInternal(int treeIndex, int arrIndexInput, int value,
int fromArrIndex, int toArrIndex) {
// out of the input range.
// case 1: arrIndexInput < fromArrIndex < toArrIndex
// case 2: fromArrIndex < toArrIndex < arrIndexInput
if (arrIndexInput < fromArrIndex || toArrIndex < arrIndexInput) {
// if an index is found.
else if (fromArrIndex == toArrIndex) {
tree[treeIndex] = value;
// partial overlap
else {
int mid = fromArrIndex + (toArrIndex - fromArrIndex) / 2;
// check if update point is on the left subtree.
if (arrIndexInput < mid) {
pointUpdateInternal(2 * treeIndex + 1,
arrIndexInput, value
fromArrIndex, mid
// else update point is on the right subtree.
else {
pointUpdateInternal(2 * treeIndex + 2,
arrIndexInput, value,
mid + 1, toArrIndex
tree[treeIndex] = tree[2 * treeIndex + 1] + tree[2 * treeIndex + 2];

Range Update

Let's update the elements in original within the range 343-4 to 1-1.

old_arr=[14,71,37,93,1]\text{old\_arr} = [14, 71, 37, 93, 1] new_arr=[14,71,37,1,1]\text{new\_arr} = [14, 71, 37, -1, -1]

Note that with range updates, the update function cannot directly modify the actual array, as doing so may require O(N)\text{O(N)} time, where N\text{N} is total number of elements in an array. Instead, the update function will only modify the segment tree array only.

We begin the segment tree update from the root node, which represents the 0th0^{\text{th}} index of the segment tree array and the range 040-4 of the input array.

There are 44 main conditions to consider at any given node:

  • Outside of Input Range: No updates are required if the range at the current node falls entirely outside the input range.

  • Subset of Input Range:

    • Single Point: If the range at the current node reduces to a single point, update the value at current node in segment tree.
    • Range Overlap: If the range at the current node is subset of update range, recursively update both subtrees.
  • Partially Overlaps Input Range: If the range at the current node partially overlaps with the input range recursively update both subtrees.


The only difference between a range update and a point update lies in point 33: in a range update, both subtrees are recursively updated, whereas in a point update, only the subtree containing the update point is updated.

The range of the current node, 040-4, partially overlaps with the update range, 343-4, so we update both subtrees, recursively.


Let's update the left subtree first. The range at the current node, 020-2, falls completely outside the update range, 343-4, so we return and proceed with the right subtree of parent node.


The range of the current node, 343-4, completely overlaps with the update range, 343-4, so we recursively update both subtrees.


Let's update the left subtree first. The range at the current node, 333-3, has been reduced to a single point, so we update the value of the current node to the update value, 1-1.


Let's also update the right subtree. The range at the current node, 444-4, has been reduced to a single point, so we update the value of the current node to the update value, 1-1.


At this point, the function will backtrack, and once it reaches the root node, the update will be complete. During backtracking, it will first reach the node with the range 343-4 and update its value using the new values from the left and right subtrees.


On further backtracking, the update function will reach the root node, which will pull the old value of 122122 from the left subtree and the new value of 2-2 from the right subtree and assign a value of 122+(2)=120122 + (-2) = 120 to current node.


Once the root node update process is complete, we obtain the new segment tree as shown below.

public void rangeUpdate(int from, int to, int value) {
return rangeUpdateInternal(0, from, to, value, 0, arr.length - 1);

public void rangeUpdateInternal(int treeIndex, int fromArrIndexInput,
int toArrIndexInput, int value, int fromArrIndex, int toArrIndex) {
// outside of the input range
// case 1: fromArrIndexInput < toArrIndexInput < fromArrIndex < toArrIndex
// case 2: fromArrIndex < toArrIndex < fromArrIndexInput < toArrIndexInput
if (toArrIndexInput < fromArrIndex || toArrIndex < fromArrIndexInput) {
// input range reduces to single point
else if (fromArrIndex == toArrIndex) {
tree[treeIndex] = value;
// partial overlap or complete overlap
else {
int mid = fromArrIndex + (toArrIndex - fromArrIndex) / 2;
rangeUpdateInternal(2 * treeIndex + 1,
fromArrIndexInput, toArrIndexInput, value,
fromArrIndex, mid
rangeUpdateInternal(2 * treeIndex + 2,
fromArrIndexInput, toArrIndexInput, value,
mid + 1, toArrIndex
tree[treeIndex] = tree[2 * treeIndex + 1] + tree[2 * treeIndex + 2];

Lazy Propagation

A range update in a segment tree can take O(N)\text{O(N)} time, where N\text{N} is the number of elements in the array. To reduce the update time to O(log N)\text{O(log N)}, you can use a technique called lazy propagation.

Lazy Range Update

Let's update the elements in original within the range 343-4 to 1010.

old_arr=[14,71,37,1,1]\text{old\_arr} = [14, 71, 37, -1, -1] new_arr=[14,71,37,10,10]\text{new\_arr} = [14, 71, 37, 10, 10]

We begin the segment tree update from the root node, which represents the 0th0^{\text{th}} index of the segment tree array and the range 040-4 of the input array.

There are 33 main conditions to consider at any given node:

  • Outside Input Range: No updates are required if the range at the current node falls entirely outside the input range.

  • Subset of Input Range: If the range at the current node is part of the input range, update the value of the current node to the input update value multiplied by the number of nodes in both subtrees of the current node. Also, lazily update the left and right subtrees using the lazy array.

  • Partially Overlaps Input Range: If the range at the current node partially overlaps with the input range, recursively update both subtrees.

The range of the current node, 040-4, partially overlaps with the update range, 343-4, so we update both subtrees, recursively.


Notice how we are using another array, called lazy, to delay updates to the left and right subtrees when the current node's range matches the input range.

Let's recursively update left subtree first. The range of the current node, 020-2, falls completely outside the update range, 343-4, so we return from the update function without taking any action.


Let's update the right subtree now. The range of the current node, 343-4, is a subset of the update range, 343-4. Therefore, we update the value of the current node to 2020. This value is calculated as the update value(1010) multiplied by the number of nodes in the left and right subtrees of the current node: 10×((43)+1)=2010 \times ((4 - 3) + 1) = 20.


To calculate the number of nodes in the current node's left and right subtrees, we simply subtract the lower limit, 33, from the upper limit, 44, of the current node and add one.

Additionally, we lazily update the left and right subtrees of the current node with the value 1010, by modifying the lazy array.


At this point, the lazy range update function begins to backtrack. The first node it reaches is the root node. The root node retrieves the old value of 122122 from the left subtree and the new value of 2020 from the right subtree, then assigns itself the sum 122+20=142122 + 20 = 142.


Once the root node is updated, we get segment tree as below.


public void rangeUpdateLazy(int from, int to, int value) {
return rangeUpdateLazyInternal(0, from, to, value, 0, arr.length - 1);

public void rangeUpdateLazyInternal(int treeIndex, int fromArrIndexInput,
int toArrIndexInput, int value, int fromArrIndex, int toArrIndex) {
// propagate old lazy value from the current node to left and righ subtree
if (lazy[treeIndex] != 0) {
int totalLazyValue = lazy[treeIndex] * (toArrIndex - fromArrIndex + 1);
tree[treeIndex] = totalLazyValue;
if(fromArrIndex != toArrIndex) {
lazy[2 * treeIndex + 1] = lazy[treeIndex];
lazy[2 * treeIndex + 2] = lazy[treeIndex];
lazy[treeIndex] = 0
// outside of the input range
// case 1: fromArrIndexInput < toArrIndexInput < fromArrIndex < toArrIndex
// case 2: fromArrIndex < toArrIndex < fromArrIndexInput < toArrIndexInput
if (toArrIndexInput < fromArrIndex || toArrIndex < fromArrIndexInput) {

// subset of input range
// fromArrIndexInput <= fromArrIndex <= toArrIndex <= toArrInputIndex
else if (fromArrIndexInput <= fromArrIndex && toArrIndex <= toArrInputIndex) {
int totalUpdateValue = value * (toArrIndex - fromArrIndex + 1);
tree[treeIndex] = totalUpdateValue;
if(fromArrIndex != toArrIndex) {
// delay propagation of current updates to child nodes
lazy[2 * treeIndex + 1] = value;
lazy[2 * treeIndex + 2] = value;
lazy[treeIndex] = 0;
// partial overlap
else {
int mid = fromArrIndex + (toArrIndex - fromArrIndex) / 2;
rangeUpdateLazyInternal(2 * treeIndex + 1,
fromArrIndexInput, toArrIndexInput, value,
fromArrIndex, mid
rangeUpdateLazyInternal(2 * treeIndex + 2,
fromArrIndexInput, toArrIndexInput, value,
mid + 1, toArrIndex
tree[treeIndex] = tree[2 * treeIndex + 1] + tree[2 * treeIndex + 2]

Lazy Range Query

Let's use the segment tree to find the range sum of indexes 232−3 in an input array using lazy range query.

There are 33 main conditions to consider at any given node:

  • Outside of Input Range: Return 00 if the range at the current node falls entirely outside the input range.

  • Subset of Input Range: If the range at the current node is part of input range and if lazy value is zero, return the precomputed sum from the segment tree.

  • Partially Overlaps Input Range: If range at current node partially overlaps with input range recursively calculate values from left and right subtree and return the result.


In a lazy range query, we also propagate and retrieve values from the lazy array.

The range at current node, 040-4, partially overlaps input range 232-3, therefore we recursively calculate value from left and right subtree.


Let's first recursively calculate the sum from the left subtree. The range at current node, 020-2, partially overlaps input range 232-3, therefore we recursively calculate value from left and right subtree.


Continuing further into the left subtree, the range of the current node, 010-1, is completely outside the input range, 232-3. Therefore, we return 00.


Let's recursively calculate the sum from the right subtree of parent node. The range at the current node, 222-2 is subset of input range 232-3, so we return precomputed value 3737 from the current node.


At this point, the update function backtracks and retrieves 00 from the left subtree and 3737 from the right subtree.


Let's recursively calculate the sum from the right subtree of the root node. The range of the current node, 343-4, partially overlaps with the input range, 232-3. Therefore, we calculate the sum from both the left and right subtrees.


Let's calculate the sum from the left subtree first. The range of the current node, 333-3, is a subset of the input range, 232-3. Therefore, we return the precomputed value. However, since the node 333-3 has a lazy value, it should be propagated first, and the new value for the node should be recalculated.


Let's calculate the sum from right subtree. The range of the current node, 444-4, falls outside the input range 232-3. Thereforce, we return 00 from the right subtree.


At this point lazy range update function backtracks and calculates sum value over range 232-3 as 37+10=4737 + 10 = 47.


public int rangeSumLazy(int from, int to) {
return rangeSumLazyInternal(0, from, to, 0, arr.length - 1);

public int rangeSumLazyInternal(int treeIndex, int fromArrIndexInput,
int toArrIndexInput, int fromArrIndex, int toArrIndex) {
// propagate old lazy value
if (lazy[treeIndex] != 0) {
int totalLazyValue = lazy[treeIndex] * (toArrIndex - fromArrIndex + 1)
tree[treeIndex] = tree[treeIndex] + totalLazyValue
if(fromArrIndex != toArrIndex) {
lazy[2 * treeIndex + 1] = lazy[treeIndex]
lazy[2 * treeIndex + 2] = lazy[treeIndex]
lazy[treeIndex] = 0
// outside of input range
// fromArrIndexInput < toArrIndexInput < fromArrIndex < toArrIndex
// fromArrIndex < toArrIndex < fromArrIndexInput < toArrIndexInput
if (toArrIndexInput < fromArrIndex || toArrIndex < fromArrIndexInput) {
return 0;

// subset of input range
// fromArrIndex <= fromArrIndexInput <= toArrInputIndex <= toArrIndex
else if (fromArrIndexInput <= fromArrIndex && toArrIndex <= && toArrInputIndex) {
return tree[treeIndex]
// partial overlap
else {
int mid = fromArrIndex + (toArrIndex - fromArrIndex) / 2;
int left = rangeSumLazyInternal(2 * treeIndex + 1,
fromArrIndexInput, toArrIndexInput,
fromArrIndex, mid
int right = rangeSumLazyInternal(2 * treeIndex + 2,
fromArrIndexInput, toArrIndexInput,
mid + 1, toArrIndex
return left + right;


Let's say there are N\text{N} elements in an array.

Time Complexity

Time complexity for building segment tree is:

O(log N)\text{O(log N)}

Time complexity for point update, range update and range sum is:

O(log N)\text{O(log N)}

Space Complexity

Segment tree uses two seperate array for storing segment tree and lazy updates, so space complexity is:


How to Spot These Problems

You can identify segment tree problems if the problem requires you to:

  • Quickly calculate the sum of elements from the start of an array up to a certain index.

Leetcode Problem Set